

富士X70 Poor廣告


Year Album「賞」簿廣告



Chairman's Introduction

I am pleased that you are using this website to find out more about China-Hongkong Photo (CHKP). I believe this is the beginning of an enhanced dialogue between management, employees, shareholders, prospective shareholders, analysts and fund managers. We are committed to remaining open and accessible to all our stakeholders. For financial information about the Group, please check the Financial Information section where you will easily be able to view historical performance and the latest financial indicators. This site is designed to grow organically over time providing you with more timely and appropriate information. In order to help us to achieve this, your feedback is much appreciated. This site map would assist you if you require any further help finding your way around. China-Hongkong Photo Products Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 1123) has a long-established business partnership with Fujifilm Japan as the sole authorised distributor of Fujifilm products in Hong Kong and Macau since 1968. The Group has established an extensive network of importers and distributors in these two markets.

Yours sincerely,

Dennis Sun
